My progress on producing photography for my add vantage module

Good and Bad Portrait’s

I found these two images to compare a good portrait to a bad portriat. As you can see the the top picture is the good portrait and the bottom one is the bad portrait. One of the main reasons for this is the lighting on the bad portrait there are places that are really dark shadowing the side of the face and also the overall lightness on the face is darker than the portrait at the bottom therefore, the features on her face are unclear. The Bottom portrait however, has equal lighting around the face therefore the features are much clearer and it is overall a better portrait. Having said that on both pictures the background is dull, the bottom of the chin is chopped of and also the top of the head.  Although I have pointed out which is the bad or good portrait in a way these could be both classed as bad portraits in my opinion.




Picutre’s found on Google images

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